terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2011

Sexual abstinence leads to Impotence

Men who refuse sexual pleasure, especially harmful to themselves.

Past studies of Finnish researchers showed that men with increasing vazsrastta cease to enjoy sex, much more suffering erektilna cheap cialis (impotence) in men who regularly engaged in love play.

According to experts, mens should at least once a week to give time for sex.

The research group "urologicheskoto" department of University Hospital in Tampere (Finland) story: "Speaking in simple words - the more sex you make, the less likely to become impotent.

To make the experiment, the researchers did a survey, which included 1000 Fintzi aged 55 to 75 years, which has so far not suffered from erection problems.

After 5 years experience, was found by thousands of men with erection problems were 79 participants who had sex less than once a week.

Sexual health problems have begun a 32-th men who have done at least once a week sex.

Others who lead an active sex life (at least three times a week), had only 16 cases of the disease.

Scientists found a correlation between morning erection cheap cialis and its erectional.

Men who have once a week, morning erection, 2.5 times higher risk to suffer from impotence than men who are 2 -3 times a week, morning erection.

Erectile Dysfunction is a medical term which means the inability to achieve and maintain an erection during normal sexual intercourse. Violation of orgasm, decreased libido is only the first signs of erectile dysfunction.

About half of men aged 40 to 70 years have erection problems.

Erectile Dysfunction usually occurs due to hormonal abnormalities or severe disease (anemia, tuberculosis, pneumonia), but the development of diskfuntsiyata is strongly influenced by the adoption of drugs and alcohol.

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